saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, February 28, 2004

fwahh!! my previous entry was so long?? i very impressed!! i dont think ive posted that long a post since.. uh since.. i also dont know!! heh heh

wah my housemates are so tired? theyre all asleep already! heh, we went out after dinner (that my sis and i cooked again, heh) to crown centre.. its this huge shopping centre like place thats open till late cos there's a casino downstairs.. and its damn big too.. heh, peilin very funny.. it was her first time in a casino and she was so fascinted with everything she would just stop walking in the middle of nowhere to watch a game.. heh.. anyway was quite fun lah.. we spent a pretty long time there so we only just managed to catch the last tram back at 1am.. (:

heh, jas i finally caught up with your blog!! hehe.. i cant believe sghunk had a performance in your schoooooll!!!!! i didnt even know his name was steven lim! why did they even allow him to perform?!!! its ridiculous i cant stand it! who in the right mind would approve this kinda thing man..

steph i dont think i can get a six pack lah..! hehe although i would love one.. but i think my stomach muscles are like damn lousy lah.. heh yes, even though you all say i technically should have the best stomach cos i laugh too much?? haha thats so silly lahhh...

the ang moh's sit on the grass in NUS???? hahahahaa thats how funny.. i cant actually imagine it you know.. so weird!

liz!!!!! hahaha i love you F.U.C.K "joke"..! hahaha its even funnier cos of the uncultured chickens versus the uncultured chicken killers thing.. hahaha.. but you know, i was thinking along the same lines as liz cos i was laughing at how it was so similar to the unnatural llamas thing.. haha.. oooppsss..

oh i didnt tell you!! i finally caught goodbye lenin!! hahaha so happy mann.. watched it on monday with peilin and my sis.. heh theyre actually uite slow here, love sactually is actually still showing, and so is lord of the rings! heh so lousy..! but ok lah at least i got to watch my show.. haha.. but oh, we didnt know that it was free seating, so when we went into the theatre there were like front row seats waiting for us.. hahaha so dumb but oh well.. the show was really nice though.. the son is so sweeettt lahh... so devoted to his mom.. sighhh.. hope you guys have watched it already man..

aiya my sister is leaving in about 12 hours time i feel so saddd!! im not gonna see her for agesss!! and she is not letting me go to the airport with herrrrr...!!!! )))::


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