saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, February 27, 2004

ahahahahaa oh no, my stomach is so painnn!!!! i really think im gonna die laughing i tell you!! peilin (my housemate) is superbly funny, superbly superbly funny, we just spent the past 45 minutes laughing SO hard okay!! hahahahaa.... she was so upset that bruce willis had to die in armageddon!!! she actually thought that they scriptwriters were gonna make him cling on to the back of the space shuttle after he pushed the detonator!! ahhh!! how silly is that! hahaha or that there would be a spare space shuttle!!! hahaha oh oh so funny!! and so many other funny things as well!!! like the "pertubed", the "pleasure commander", the "fur cuffs", and the stawberries!!! hahaha just her expression is enough to kill of us okay..!! hahaha!!

wah today was so super tiring i tell you!! i walked and walked and walked like the whole day!!!! since i got up at 10, until i came back at like 6, i think ive sat down for a rand total of half an hour!! ahhh!!! i just came home and collapsed!!! and then i still had to prepare dinner!!!

see, i went to school to meet my orientation group for a school tour, which ended like within an hour or so.. but we went around checking out the clubs and societies so that took a while.. and i only signed up for the chocolate lovers society, which cost me 5 bucks! but they also had a free bbq which we went to, and got our 5 bucks worth of lunch! whee..!! and then cos we got split up, we went back to look for the rest of the group and chilled out for a while at the deep dish (its this really cool cafe thingamajig behind the arts centre.. which is where i'll be for the rest of my uni life).. then the rest of them were jealous that they didnt get free food so we went around looking for another one! haha.. anyway, after A LOT of walking we finally went out of school for some ice cream.. YUM! and we just sat on the grass in the middle of nowhere!! haha really! these australians ah, they just sit on any grass!! ANYwhere!!! sheesh! after ice cream we walked and walked somemore ALL the way to brunswick where they went to play pool.. i was there for a while then i went to meet my sister lah.. but then we went to walk somemore!! and then went supermarketing after that!! so on my way home i was just dying cos i couldnt walk anymore!!!

and dinner!! hahahaha was quite funny lah, my sis and i decided to prepare dinner cos we felt bad that noel (my other housemate) was doing all the cooking lah.. so we were cooking fried pasta and mushroom soup.. except that a) i cooked a bit too much pasta, b) my sister fried too little ingredients, and c) they though our soup was sauce. !!! hahahahaha how funny is that!! hahaha so anyway we manged to fix it a bit lah.. hahaha so it was ok lah.. nothing like what the in house chef whips up, but aiya, first time lah huh..? hahah (:

ahahahaaa oh noooo a very skimpy and sleazy ad just came on tv and it was soooo sleazyy!! haha this girl with HUGE boobs, in a golden bikini rolling around on a bed, touching herself and telling us to call her..! and then a few ads later, she came on again asking why we still hadnt called!!!! hahaha oh it was how funny man! and her bikini was TINY!! heh, it was like so tiny and and netted!! heh, and her boobs were so hge they were falling out of them!! like the way jas goes FWAH!!!! only 3 times bigger!! hahahaaaa..

oh no fiona what happened to you!! why did you end up in hospital!! somebody please tell me..! poor dearie you.. hope youre better now ya.. must drink lots of water and eat well! and get lots of rest of course!! you need to recover!! i still want to eat your cheesecake when i come back! (heh, how horrible am i..)
heh, and that Romancing Singapore campaign was how hilarious!! "Building your love nest? Build it in the west."????? like what the hellll!!!!! rubbish lahh!! hahaha just died laughing.. i swear i am so gonna have a six pack when i wake up tmr morning okay..!

heh belle! you know the slippers that you were checking out? the havaianas? (i also cant spell them) they're everywhere here! about 20 aussie bucks i think.. not sure though.. and i so cannot believe it about the william hung tees!! i so would not have gotten it if you didnt say so!! how insane are these people man..?! heh, but ya so funny so funny..

haha liz sang "grease" on vday??? hahaha i wanna sseeeeee...!!!!!!

heh steph i read your comment on fiona's blog about me leaving.. hehe see, i dont always disappear okaayyy.. haha and im glad i didnt do a disappearing stint toooo!! miss you guys lots!! *hugs*

and nobody really knows what unnatural llamas are man.. even the lecturers are perplexed by it! oh, i found out today, they call themselves "F.O.U.L" (friends of unnatural llamas)!!! hahahaha so lammmmeeeeeee..!!

ooh, and my school has a library dedicated TOTALLY to recreation and fun! cds, dvds, comics.. everything! theres supposedly even a rule that youre not allowed to study in there! only allowed to have fun! how cool is that!! wheeeee!!!!!!

my blog is so happening i love it!! whheeeeee!!!! *grin*


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