saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, March 17, 2004

im very tired man, but i still have some stuff to do before i can finally go to bed.. so in any case, will try to hurry myself up and not be such a long winded queen like i always am!!!

came back close to 12 mn today cos after school, we all went to this irish pub called Pugg Mahones for the Arts International Quiz Night!! heh heh.. basically its just a trivia game lah.. but it was damn superbly fun man!! there were only enough people to make up 4 teams, and although we started with the initial awkwardnes of not knowing the damn answers to any of the questions, we soon warmed up and became the noisiest, craziest, most onz group of alll!!!! muahahahahaaa.... heh but really lah, we were cheering so much okay, and basically letting everything go and just go CRAZYYY!!!

we didnt win though.. although we did come in TOP for all except the last round!! haiya so sad.. we came in third in the end, but it was a really really close fight.. we had always only been ONE point ahead of the next team (who kept glaring at us and attempting to cheat) and the final scores were 49, 53 (thats us), 54.5 and 55!!!!!!! aaahhhh!!! which means we were only TWO miserable points away from winning!! not fair lah okay, we didnt have a single aussie in our group so we couldnt answer all the questions about australia!!! hmpfff.. heh but no matter, we cheered for everyone and we had lots and lots of fun man.. so sad, the team who won didnt even cheer for themselves.. sighhh... *wheres the team spirit in that?!!? the sportsmanship!!!* haaizzzz... oh but special thanks to mike and noel who answered most, if not all of the questions.. hahaha

oh, i went to watch the passion with this bunch from some catholic society in school (i think).. and cos it was noel's lobang, when we went to meet them, we were looking out for a girl in a denim jacket.. and who should it be but lydia-i-cant-remember-her-surname-the-head-prefect-from-our-year-in-ij..!!!! ahahhhh!!! how freaky is that!! and then while we were walking to the cinema, i walk past this girl whos walking her dog, and she suddenly says hello to me!! and who should it be but Lizze as in Elizabeth Ee from 4S2!!!! aahhhhh!!!! how freaky is that?!!!
which reminds me, i need to contact karina!!

lizz!!! im so sorry about your msn message! my msn is weird nowadays! it keeps disconnecting and reconnecting by itself.. will have to check it out soon.. heh sorry, but i am just as excited to see you online tooo!! i didnt run away to avoid you okay? just in case youre thinking in your paranoid way again.. hahaaha

asra!! miss you too! *hugs* was just thinking about you just now when i was walking around borders.. in fact, i was thinking of all you (ex) borders peeps!! ahhh.. heh but think i saw a teeny bit of the spo room at the store!! haha btw asra, i lost the link to your new blog!! )):

steph, i didnt know you went to camppp!!! are you like one of those instructors from our sec 3 adventure camp??? how cool is that man!! and yeah i hope you get to go to US tooo!! so exciting!!

hahaha rag, i did that exact same thing that you said i would..!! haha i cannot stand you lah.. *grinzzz*

alamakkkk!!! so late alreadyyy!!!


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