saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, March 13, 2004

hmm, had guests over for dinner just now.. 2 girls who live in another unit in our estate, lindsey and fiona.. heh.. so much food okay.. cos they brought soup and fruits and jelly.. and thats on top of the mussels and meatball pasta that we made..! ahh! when the appetiser was finished we were already full!! haha but it was really good lah.. esp the mussels and the soup! sichuan vegetable soup!! my favourite! ((: so happy..

and after all that food, we watched zoolander!! hahaha.. it doesnt belong to me actually, but i accidentally left it in my laptop when i came here and my sister forgot to take it back with her! heh, but anyway it was so damn funny we all just died laughing.. haha.. (: so ya it was quite fun.. i love owen wilson and ben stiller man..!

we were supposed to go over to someone else's house warming after that, but it was pretty late when we ended so we didnt go.. what a pity.. but no matter, we managed to have some fun on our own.. all in the form of cleaning up the house.. yes thats right, cleaning up.. haha..

i was scrubbing the stove cos it was kinda messed up after that big dinner today, and then i decided to just mop the floor as well lah.. and so peilin decided to clean the toilet too.. and thats where the "fun" started..

see, the entire place is carpeted, save for the kitchen and toilet floors.. and when peilin spilt water in the toilet, it flowed out onto the carpet..! haha so there was plenty of screaming and scrambling for floor cloths.. and then after patting the carpet dry, we realise that the rest of the water in the toilet was flowing towards the carpet too! so we had to keep pushing the water in, which refused to go down the drain cos the hole was too small!!! hahaha...

so after the initial rush to get the water away from the entrance, we decided that since everything was already in that wet state, we might as well get the muck out by throwing some water under the washing machine..
so we did..
and boy was it gross man!!! all this black stuff came floating out, and i had the best view! and then, cos we werent all that prepared, the water started flowing towards the carpet again!!!! hahahaha... thus began the mad scramble to push the water back again!!! hahaha that occupied us for like what, half an hour? heh, but it was really really funny lah..

hmm, jas is doing production for jack neo's movie? how cool is that! how did she get this lobang man? heh what exactly is she doing ah? does anybody know? hehe so cool! i got so many questions to ask her!!!

aiya belle i cannot believe you are so slow lahhh.. i thought you all knew that pieceofcloth was a pun on rag and thats how you all figured that she was ragggg.... aahhhhh........

and fiona, what creative thinking project is this that requires you to wear a mouth guard??? and why a mouth guard?!! whats this whole exercise about??

steph im so glad youre enjoying your time bumming and watching dvds!! there are so many shows that i wanna watch too mann..! so jealous.. heh, but enjoy your break man.. think you need it after all your exams..

hehe liz! you write the funniest things in your blog lah..! but keep it up k.. its very entertaining.. haha ((:

i see shuping cooks rice a lot huh.. heh there are varying degrees of rice here.. mine is too hard, and noel's is too wet.. and peilin's.. errmmm... we dont wanna let her try, so ya.. hahaa.. ((:

alamak starting to freeze here, so gonna scoot to bed okay? night everybody! *HugZ*


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