saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, March 10, 2004

hmm, school wasnt too bad today but i kinda cannot stand my lecturer.. i mean, its obvious that he really likes art and he's into it.. he's supposedly one of the best at whatever he does.. like he does catalogues for the National Art Gallery here.. but he's also so god damned ego-centric and narrow-minded!! in short, his opinion is always correct, even though its so subjective.. and as long as he doesnt think its art, its not.. what rubbish! so outrageous i tell you.. sigh.. how man? im taking 2 of his classes this sem somemore! ahhh..

steph im with you on that, poly life rocks man! haha of course secondary school too lah.. cos thats where i met you guys, all my fantastic friends!! haha (:

heh you know i cook rice just fine back in singapore.. i dunno why i cant do it here! its so weird i tell you! heh and shuping, doesnt the water level depend on how much rice im cooking and the size of the container?


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