saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, March 15, 2004


IM MAADDD!!! hahahaa

i miss your morning calls
i miss your attitude in life

i miss your crappiness, your boredom, your laziness, your cannot-be-bothered-ness!!
i miss your constant complaint of not having any messages or calls

i miss knowing you so well!!

i miss meeting you in school
i miss researching together
i miss hanging out at the library with you
i miss putting our feet up on the desk at the back of the classroom

i miss going to town everyday after school just for the sake of it
i miss our kenny rogers picnics
i miss our freezing coffee club hang out which is now closed, and our original taco bell hang out which is also now closed
(is there a trend here?)
i miss talking at suntec and taka fountain till we might miss the last bus/train home

i miss our sharing woes
i miss our impromptu-ness that makes life so easy
i miss rubbing your head
i miss singing whiney songs with you

i miss my past 3 and a half years with you
I MISS YOUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i shall get ready to go out with my lonely self now..


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