saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, March 24, 2004

huh??? what small tiny motorbike?? hahaha.. thats a pram lah, for goodness sake..
nahhh.. im not gonna tell you guys the answer man.. that's way too easy.. haha.. y'all will just have to look carefully yourselves.. ((:
heh but ok lah, i'll rephrase my question.. see if you can spot whats so unusual about the picture.. (((:

in other news, school has been madness!! my room is full of library books and papers!! i have hardly enough space to move around man.. and like must open my door carefully, cos there's stuff behind it tooo..!! heh ok lah, maybe i should just pack my room lah huh.. haha


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