saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, March 27, 2004

hmm, went for stations of the cross today with the catholic society, then joined them for dinner after that..

strangely enough, this is the first stations ive come across here.. ever since my dad told me to go for stations about 6 weeks ago, ive been looking out for it, but there never seems to be any!!! so weird!! and this is the only session that there is!! oh well..

dinner after that was at this Italian restaurant down off Lygon Street.. called La Porchella.. heh the best thing is, just this Tuesday, some mafia boss was shot dead at this very same restaurant.. so its been front page news for the past 2 days.. and on that same day, my friend uma had to walk past that restaurant to get home, and it was blocked off by the police.. they told her it was a crime scene and made her walk around the block!!

and while we were there just now, someone at the table asked for some bread, and i was damn thirsty so i decided to just call the same guy to ask for some water.. this guy by the way, is pretty old, and looks like ze big boss (cos he was wearing a suit and all).. so when the water came, there were no glasses!!!!! so of course i have to ask for glasses right?? so i asked ze big boss.. and he was like, ok coming! your waiter will get it, ok? and after that he asked me my name!!! then he said, daphne? ok daphne you keep quiet ok? blahblahhesaidsomethingelsebuticouldnthear/understand.. heh so scary okay! like kenna scolding from teacher liddat!! haha he wasnt fierce or anything lah, but still scary!!! and his staff address him as vino, machiam like mafia boss liddat man.. haha and throughout the meal, he would keep asking me if everything was okay.. or if i needed anything yada yada yada.. hahahaaaa.. sheessshhhh... and he appointed me the "leader" of the table..! aaiiyaaaaaa..... such a weird experience i tell you.. oh!! how could i forget! he talked to me for a while, and found out i was from singapore, and he didnt believe me cos he said i had an american accent!!! WHAT RUBBISH!!! i do NOT have an american accent okaayyyy!!!!!

in the meantime,

haha you thought i couldnt find out your birthdate right?? haha *grinzz* so cool you have the EXACT same birthdate as my sisterrr!!!! wheeee!!!!!!


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