saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, March 28, 2004

so i was out at Brunswick Street (its a pretty happening street with lots of pubs, cafes, and restaurants.. kinda like Boat Quay except with more life.. haha) for dinner last night cos it was Uma's birthday.. and we met up with Mike (the Scottish guy) and his friend (who's from Africa i think).. and when we sat down to dinner, i was so amused at the fact that it was a chinese, an indian, a scottish and an african sitting at a vietnamese restaurant!! how multi-cultural right?? hahaa such an international bunch.. and we're all in australia somemore! haha.. ok lah i get amused at silly things, pity i didnt take a photo or i could show you guys.. heeheee...

and i got uma a flower for her birthday! a red juvera! so nice okay, i got it at the 24 hour florist near my place.. haha ok lah, quite cheapo i know.. but i actually wanted to get her a whole buncha stuff, but didnt really have time, and i dont really know what to put in the package lah.. so maybe belated present lah huh.. haha.. ya so i though i'd just get her a flower first, even though i know she's allergic to SOME flowers.. haha oops! felt so weird holding it okay! heh

yes belle, the horse head is quite freaky!! thats like a super enlarged picture of it lah, cos the guy was really really far away and i was taking the picture from across the road! but ya, i wasnt the only one taking photos of it okay! haha

ya the mafia thing is so scary right?!! i dont dare to tell my parents.. esp not that i went there to eat a few days after the shooting! haha and then being traumatised by ze big boss, vino?? hahaha oopssss..

wah you all going for so many trips ah?!!! i also want to go leh!! not fair.. you all better be here when i come back to singapore okay.. it will be so sad if i come back and everyone's away!!


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