saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, April 02, 2004


uma and i went down to the factory outlets on smith street this afternoon to look for jackets, and i ended up buying a pair of sneakers!! theyre navy blue court kings by PRO-Keds! wheee!! hahaha so fun!! heh i took like damn super long to decide man! cos i was in SUCH a dilemna!! heh i bought it at some sale so it cost me 50 aussie bucks.. supposedly it was 130 bucks before..
heh i was just going to embark on a long winded description of my new shoes, and then i decided to just post a picture of it instead! and i cant wait till i get home to post it.. haha so i was searching the webbie, and they're called court kings! whee!! hehe.. i tell you, had such a hard time with this picture okay cos the website was a flash one, and there isnt photoshop in this silly school computer.. and the programs here were so problematic.. heh but no matter, here are my new sneakers!! wheee!!!

haha how? how?? nice? nice???? *big grinzzz* heeheee uma cannot stand me cos i keep bursting into "court kings!!!" haha.. whatt... i cant help it lahhh.....
im a happy girl..! ((:


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