saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, March 31, 2004

wah! it was bloody cold just now man! and uma insisted on eating ice cream!! madness! after walking for a while, we decided that we couldnt stand the cold wind anymore so we ended up huddling in the shelter of a closed shop while freezing our tongue's off! aahhhh!!!!

heh ok helianthus tape smallville and buffy for me ok? then i can watch like mad!! wheee!!! heeheee

even if the place was called CLASSIC indian food, thats still not a very original name man! and the two signs are so not matching!! its like what belle said in her blog, about food stalls that are called han chim peng..! how obvious can it get man! but ya it really is like the cheese prata place near NUS.. haha sheesh~!!!

and liz ah, how you want me to bring back ice cream! it will be all melted!! speaking of which, i want to try teh-tarik ice cream too! hmm, but wont it taste weird though?

twilight which pic you talking about?? the clouds one is it? heh i just like the clouds actually.. haha..

wah belle your blog so scary! my big name right in front! haha.. but its not my fault man!! your trip is too long!! its like even longer than my holiday can! everyone will be gone! so sad!!!

aiya! now very full.. )): and got work to do.. again.. haizz... so sian again man.. bahhhh


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