saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, April 02, 2004

omg steph's gone?!!!!!! i didnt know she was going so soon! aiya! why nobody tell me!! and that girl has a jacuzzi in her bloody room?!!!! sheesh man!!!

yes fiona i saw the pics with your thick fringe!! you rocker chick you! you can really pull it off man..! haha coolness! i also wannntTTT!! hahaa

oh, so i finally put up some pictures on the wall man..! so proud of myself.. ((: but there are more to come!! haha!

helianthus what happened to your VCRRRRR!!!! aahhhh!!!!

heh just now uma and i were whining about how miserably poor we were.. and then we decided that we need to look for rich boyfriends.. haha! you know the kind? so you dont have to work.. but you wont be bored cos you can set up your own business with his support.. and its okay if its a flop cos he still loves you and he'll help you set up another one if you want.. or if youre bored of that you can always go back to school again.. and study whatever you want.. and nevermind if you dont do well, cos he still loves you and he'll support you anyway.. and if your sister needs help he's also there....... *dreamsss* siggghhhhhh....!!! hahaha i know lah, very crap right but its true mannnn.. haizzzz.... life is so miserable... haha..

but after all our complaining we went to this small pub place which was quite empty, cos our scottish friend mike, was spinning in the dj competition.. and when i sat down, the seats were so comfy that i immediately felt like sleeping! it was so hard to stay awake man! i was so tired, plus totally BLOATED from dinner of noodles with soup!! soup!! havent had such good soup in such a long time! yummy! but oh so filling! yes so thats why i was so sleepy okay.. oh but mike didnt win anyway cos apparently he played the wrong kinda music.. but we thought he was better than the other guy though.. oh well.. tough..

oh! been meaning to tell you guys! there was another shooting on wednesday!! ahh!! mafia thing again lah! he was shot at a gaming centre though, not a restaurant.. but this time, it happened somewhere about 15 minutes walk from my place? i think lah.. dont really walk there much.. and when i came home that night, noel told me that the whole of that area was closed of cos there was a manhunt going on!! aahhh!!


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