saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, April 08, 2004

hehe G is doing just fine!! he sleeps on my bed with me every night! but its just a bit hard to hug him to sleep cos he's uhm.. bo bak.. you know what i mean? haha.. and yeah i havent actually used the scarf okay...? haha

i keep forgetting to ask this, but why is steph orange?!?!???? i mean, huh??? how the hell did she do that?? she quite amazing ah.. managed to get herself burnt on exactly HALF her body, and now she's ORANGE????

oh oH!! twilight i like that part toooo!!!! "Do you work for me?" and he just has this super cute cheeky grin that will just make all the girls melt okayyy.. cannot stand it.. sigghhhhh....

unfortunately liz, we didnt get to do the outsiders for lit cos the other classes were doing it and the rotation of the books just never got to us! how unfair!! i remember thinking that cos i heard that it was really good and i wanted to do it so badly..! but the show is so nice! i thought rob lowe looks pretty good in the show man.. thought he looked the best lah.. patrick swayze also not bad.. the role quite suited him.. but tom cruise looked a bit out of place leh, i thought.. plus his teeth were just too uhmmm... perfect? just something wrong lah, cant place it..

but oh my oh my, i simply loved anne of green gables!!!! ahhh!!! now that you reminded me, did you guys watch the show?? i remember renting the LD (how long ago was that?!!) with my sis and we just laughed so hard okay.. it was so funny!! and we watched it again and again! and we kept watching the funny bits again!! hahaa.. oops.. and then cause of that, i became addicted to the whole series lah!! insane i tell you!! but i wanna watch it again now man!! ahhh!!

hehe yes jess, my flash cat has been called many things so it doesnt really matter i guess.. but at least its cute!! hahahaa

i want the song stay gold!!! aahhh!!!!

so i just got out of my printmaking workshop, its basically just drawing on a copper plate then putting ink on it and pressing the picture onto some paper.. its a hell of a lotta work which causes achy arms and cramped hands and fingers.. cos there's a lot of muscle work involved, and after a while your hand just gets cramped.. but i think i like it much much MUCH better than the photomontages! which really suck! haha of course that doesnt mean that my work is improved lah, just means that i enjoy class more.. haha oops.. and i STILL have to do a grand total of TWELVE photomontages lah what crap! ughh...

okay so now im gonna get some dinner, and head down to uma's place to watch matchstick men!! wheee!!! been wanting to watch this since forever! ((: oh yeah, that new pic is the poster of pink floyd's album back covers.. nice ah? its next to uma's bed! ooooohh........

so my last lesson of the week is over, and my easter holiday has begun!!! (its only one week though, but who cares!!) wheee!! will probably be heading down to Bells Beach to catch the finals of the rip curl surfing championships! cool huh!! ((: hope its good.. and hope its not overly freezing man!!

OH YES!!! I WORE MY NEW SHOES TODAYY!!! WHOPEEEEE!!!!!! and some people said they were NICEEE!! *BIG GRINZZZ* ::happyyyyy.....::


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