saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, April 06, 2004

hehe no they dont have i dream of jeanie.. so sad right.. but they have M*A*S*H*..... hahaha hey i remember watching these shows in the afternoon too!! 3.05pm to 3.35pm on channel 5 every weekday..! and this was in 1996! haha.. i remember cos i used to tell fiona to call me after that time cos i would be busy watching my shows! hehe.. then they shifted to the 5 to 6pm slot.. and then it became 2.30 in the freakin morning! and then no more!! aahhhhh!! so sad!! )):

wah anyway today was a damn super tiring day of class man.. i had a horrible horrible headache the entire day man.. and i mean ENTIRE DAY!! like since before 7am this morning, all the way till my last class which ended at like 6 plus? it was SO bad i tell you.. like every ten minutes or so, there will be a sharp pain on the left corner of my head which will cause me to wince.. can you imagine? like this the entire day??? come to think of it, i have no idea when it actually stopped cos i only just noticed it.. but im pretty sure it was there even after i was done with school.. yucks man.. ive never had this before man, but i hope i never have it again! *crosses fingers and toes, knees and elbows*

heh but i fell asleep during lecture just now man.. so now i have a grand total of 2 lines of notes.. fantastic right.. i have never fallen asleep in lecture man.. definitely not until like this.. i actually dropped my pencil can! never in my entire life i tell you!! and the best part? i think the lecturer saw me sleeping! heh well i would be surprised if he didnt lah.. cos the usually very packed LT had a big empty hole in the middle of it, and i had to be sitting in the row just behind it.. great, just great.. lucky my tutorial is taken by someone else man, if not sure kenna tekan sia.. haha

oh my gawd liz! i cant believe you went to find a picture of your khaiiiii!!! ahahhhhh!!! haha i cannot stand you man..! and in any case, i still dont recall ever seeing him before man! but whats this missing show that he's hosting? i got the impression that it was a drama serial? i guess not huh.. and what about this rachel babe lee?? post a picture of her also lah!

ok so i know im slow, but i watched george of the jungle for the first time last night, and i think its a really really nice show! so sweet lah, ursula and george.. and then theres that useless prick of a fiance lah! wah but brendan fraser's body was really damn super ultra toned and muscular in the show man! fwahhh!! i was so amazed i tell you.. impressed..!

and isnt my flash cat just ssooooo cuteee....???


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