saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, April 11, 2004

oh gawd, been bumming like mad at uma's place again! hahaha.. cos of the easter break, cable tv's showing tons and tons of good shows!!

so anyway.. spanish film, my mother likes women.. super cool show lah i tell you.. cute girls, cute guy, interesting story line.. and best of all, tastefully done.. ((: i like..

batman! as in the old series! haha so funny lah okay.. i couldnt resist, i just HAD to take a little clip of the opening sequence.. and a bit of the beginning.. haha.. so corny!!! the things they say! haha.. batman's belt is plastic, he has a tummy, and he carries a bat shield!! hahaha its just this foldable plastic board thing the shape of a bat, and guess what? its actually labelled "BAT SHIELD"!!! hahahaha oh man...!

caught my first spongebob episode this morning! whee!! and the best part, i've never seen this episode before!! you cannot imagine how excited i was when i saw it man..!! *grinzzzzz*

so obviously, i havent made my way down to Bells Beach for the surf championships yet.. it was such a last minute decision and there were so many things to check out like how to bloody get there..!!!! but i finally managed to gather all my info this afternoon.. so that means i'll be able to go within the next couple of days! whee! so exciting man! hope its good.. and hope the surf isnt cancelled the day we go man..

it was a fluke, but i somehow went for the choral easter sunday mass at st francis.. and it was simply lovelyyyy...!!! yes i know, thats not a word i use, but it was really really amazing man..! the mass was super long cos of all the opera singing things, but the music was sooooo nice!! there was a full choir, and an orchestra! complete with violins and all..!! aahh!! how nice right??

belle, why is my new pic funny? are you talking about the one with the 6 naked women? how is that funny??

and yes yes ponyboy curtis, brother of sodapop curtis.. haha.. wah im very impressed man, you all remember the names.. and liz how could i forget gilbert blythe!! haha i liked the scene where anne smashed this board thing on his head! or something like that?? haha.. damn funny!!


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