saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, April 28, 2004

silly photomontages are due tomorrow.. yes, all 12 of them.. twelve! thats quite a lot you know.. sheesh!

i am absolutely going crazy i tell you! i still have 3 more left to do.. not bad lah, i woke up at like 4am this morning, and i started work straight away! and i finished 4 since then.. which is quite fast lah, considering i watched a short little movie in between.. haha! hey, i need a break too okay.. and anyway i watched it in parts.. while i was eating.. haha its called Pete's dragon.. and its a super duper old movie by walt disney.. like everything is real life, except for the dragon which is a cartoon.. so it looks pretty weird.. but its quite nice.. its about this runaway boy and his pet dragon.. which is real btw, not his imaginary friend.. the dragon very cute! very naughty also.. haha.. oh, and its a musical! ((:

i tell you, i was so stressed on tuesday morning man, i was up the whole night (mostly talking to uma) and in the morning at about 7, i went into a panic attack.. so i called uma and i went ballistic on her lah! i was rambling and rambling and talking nonstop and then after that i started laughing and laughing..!! aahhh!!! see lah, crazy already.. heh and i told that to my dad the other day, and he asked if i want to check into woodbridge..!!! so mean lah! but quite funny also lah.. heh heh..

alamak, now im sleepy again.. and its only 5 plus.. dammit lah.. how liddat.. 3 more to pia tonight.. and then must make folio somemore.. piang eh.. this thing is so tedious..

last night after dinner with uma i was falling asleep all over the place! actually, it started DURING dinner! it was insane! i dont think ive ever done this before man! as in while eating, im actually STRUGGLING to open my bloody eyes! and after that we were walking along lygon, and i was so sleep walking man! fiona, its like how i used to sleep while walking to school from the school bus? you know the part of the track that we had to walk? haha ya lah something like that lah! hahaha, except that this time, since it was a street, i had to keep talking to keep myself to keep myself vaguely awake! hahha.. uma buay tahan me man... and then while waiting for the tram, i fell asleep and uma had to look out for the tram for me! haha.. madness..


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