saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, April 24, 2004

whoa.. The Thin Red Line is such a great show man.. its not just about war, its about humanity.. and i dont think ive ever watched a film that featured so much humanity.. you know how war shows always try to portray the human side of war..? but they all end up the same.. this one just does it so well, and so in depth.. the opening sequence is the best lah.. so peaceful, makes you feel so at ease.. and then they go and kill off my favourite character (played by jim caviezel)..! so sad lah! but after watching the opening scene again i realise that he had to, so i didnt feel too bad after that.. haha.. but nick nolte was really good though.. his character sucks to hell man! i was so cursing at him! heh, but he did it really well lah..

okay, so back to my silly photomontages.. driving me crazy lah! no inspiration!

oh and i forgot to say this in the other post, but when i mentioned steph's prayer, i was talking about her appeal to make the day longer!! haha.. *grin*


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