saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, May 03, 2004

oh my goodness.. dont ever watch "La Dolce Vita".. though i dont know why any of you ever would, but dont watch it..! first of all, its so bloody long (almost 3 hours!).. and, it has no freaking point! after spending all that time, i still dont know what the point of the how is about!! all i see is this playboy journalist, lots of "celebrities", and the paparazzi!! the end! can die man..!

oh, but i just watched The Magic Sword: Quest for Camelot.. quite nice lah.. i like the songs in it.. oh, as with most cartoon movies, there's a weird funny creature that the protagonist makes friends with.. this one's a 2 headed dragon lah.. and it is oh so funny lahhhh!!! hahaha everytime they do something i laugh man.. and they are so witty! so many witty lines they have! hehe.. i think its the most witty/entertaining sidekick cartoon character that ive ever seen..!


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