saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, May 19, 2004

oh how can i forget this man? i dont know if you guys remember, but some time ago i think i posted a link to some article about a reality show where a buncha guys are trying to get this girl.. except that the horrible twist is that the girl is actually a guy..?!!!!! well, they're showing it here!!!!! haha yes! i caught it last night! and its just wrong lah man.. we all keep getting grossed out everytime they kiss man..! haha and its become sort of an event in our house.. our friend will come over for dinner, and we'll all watch it together and get grossed out together.. haha..!

and shuping you finally dropped in! *waves* HI!!!!!


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