saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, June 08, 2004

hmm, decided to put up some photos of the weekend getaway bbq and jam session with nelson, david and wendy..

we did something really really stupid.. or rather, its something we did NOT do.. we did not take a group photo of ourselves!!! ahhh!!! retarded!!!

anyway, here goes..

we had to bbq in pitch darkness cos there were NO LIGHTS, and there wasnt even a powerpoint for us to plug in a lamp or something.. so i couldnt see what i was taking until the flash came on man.. we couldnt tell what we were cooking, or whether it was cooked! haha the only way to find out was to eat it! (sometimes we didnt know what we were eating) nelson was mostly the guinea pig.. if it wasnt done, he would put it back in some corner and expect us to remember its there..

look at these pigs man.. so engrossed with the food.. (david is actually squatting next to a path lamp so that he can see what he's eating..) haha this is what they looked like the whole night okay.. haha

dont forget the booze man.. smirnoff double black.. alcohol is really cheap here man.. about 2 bucks for each can..?? fwah!

wannabe pipa players with their guitars..

heh okay, they actually play pretty nice music lah.. this is up in david's apartment.. cant really see from here, but the place is damn nice.. and the living room reminds me of my house in sg.. anyway, nelson looks retarded here.. okay okay, i meant he IS retarded.. haha!

view of the sunset from the apt.. damn bloody cool man!! fwah..! *jealous*

there.. no group photo.. hence im not in any of the shots.. haha! retarded, i say!!

i miss wendy already! she left for sg yesterday and now i have no kaki to go out with!! )):


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