saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, July 20, 2004

heh so i met fiona and liz for lunch at toast in OUB building today.. (remember, its OUB and not UOB!! *glares at fiona and liz*) hehe great fun! was kinda funny lah.. the silly crap we were talking about lah.. laughing like mad.. liz's horrible way of explaining a carpark.. haha with weird gestures no less.. heh
and then met rag in the evening for dinner.. and then hung out at suntec, AS USUAL..! haha.. and i even went to do a dedication! haha damn fun.. and funNY!! hehe and we got drenched in the spray from the fountain lah, looked like it was raining lor.. ((: talked like mad until it was almost midnight and we didnt know!! sheesh!!
its so weird ah.. its all these nice little things that i take so much for granted.. stuff like hanging out with friends who've been part of my life for years.. from PRIMARY school no less.. haha taking a cab from home to the central business district without burning my pocket like hell.. having such an absolutely REGULAR thing we do together for like forever.. having so much to talk about we dont even notice the time.. laughing about getting drenched, then writing it in a dedication.. haha just being plain silly!!
heh im so gonna miss so much in melb... i swear, even though there IS more freedom and all.. nothing beats all this lah..


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