saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, July 03, 2004

WAH.. DAMN TIRED MAN..! just came home from a super SUPER fulfilling day today sia.. did sooo many things.. and an extremely lonnggg day at that too.. one which started on thursday in fact..!

why?? cos i didnt sleep that night lah..!!

as usual.. was watching euro 2004.. which ended later than usual cos the match went into overtime.. (greece won..?!! so weird)
anyway before i went to bed, had to do some chores.. clear up the mess a bit, wash the dishes, hang the clothes.. then went i finally went to bed, i couldnt sleep! and it was bright..!

so after a couple of hours of reading n bed, i got up andhung around the house.. watching some nice morning cartoons like hercules..! (yay!) then washed up and got read to met jess at the pataya bus stop..

where we sat having our lunch for like a grand total of 3 hours?!! hehe yakking away and what not.. finally decided to leave at like 5pm..! (damn long lunch it was..!) and went to town to kill time.. or more specifically, kill rag..!! haha... we headed down to zara to disturb rag during the sale!

heheeeee... during which we also tried on some stuff lah.. so sad okay, due to my tight budget i only bought one top.. out of the many that i tried! (heh okay not THAT many lah) another one that i wanted to buy, was too ex! and not even marked down at all! hmm oh well.. resisted the horrible urge to buy it..

and then it was time! we rushed down to alliance francaise at newton to catch "Barefoot in the Park".. this play by SMU in which fiona was the costumer!! and it was fantastic by the way.. heh.. it was sooo DAMN FUNNIEEEEEE!!! hahaha wah laugh until can die man..! haha and i loved the set! everything was sooo nice!! i loved the fridge lah! and i always wanted that couch i tell you.. and in that colour tooo..! argh.. want my own houseee..! baahhhhhhh.... the costumes were great tooo lahhh.. all the outfits that the girl wore.. soo nice and cute lah..! esp the first dress.! sighh.. anyway it was the best lah... so funnieeee.. everyone was great! the gay electrician, elvis, the lead girl, her mom.. hehehehe... wowwwww

oh, saw ben too..! with leonard.. and ben got angry with meeeeeee..!!! *sniff sniff* hmpf.. anyway screamed like hell when i saw fiona lah.. hahaha.. it was so funy cos both of us were screaming so much, and the rest of the crew kept looking out of the door to see who it was.. hehehe..

and thats not the end of it!
jess and i headed down to newton circus and waited for rag to knock off and come join us for a feasttt!!! wahahahaaaa... stingray was damn good ah..? hehehe.. had nowhere to go for dessert.. and besides rag needed to work early and jess was just about to get murdered by her mom so we decided to head back..

and here i am..!
okay im falling asleep like crazy man.. no coffee all day! madness.. need to shower and kooonzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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