saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, July 17, 2004

heh okay so i know ive been kinda lazy to update this thing in a while.. so oh well.. shall tell you guys about my eventful trip to beijing..
1. i almost got killed.
by a pickpocket no less.. haha.. my parents were in this small shop dunno doing what, and i got bored.. so i went outside to have a walk in the streets.. but there was nowhere to go.. so i was just hanging around looking at this angmoh guy bargaining for a fan.. and suddenly i noticed that there was this guy behind him, and he was trying to open the zip of his backpack!!!!! and the hero in me shouted a big "WEI!!" at the guy while pointing at him!! and you know normally by this time the angmoh would have heard it and realised that someone was trying to steal his stuff and made a commotion?? except that HE DIDNT!!!!! argh! was so engrossed in his stupid fan that the only person who had a reaction was the pickpocket himself!! ARGH!! who started advancing at meeeee!!! MEEE!!! poor ol' mee!!!!!! he had this "youre gonna get it from me" look on his face!! plus, he was reaching for his pocket, which made me panic all of a sudden cos i realised that there might be some knife in there!!! which he would use to stab me with!! AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! how scary is that!! so i just clutched my bag and started backing off, and gave him this "what you want" face.. and like "she me" at him in a guai lan way.. and eventually he just walked around me all the while staring at me.. and sauntered in some corner staring at me lah..! so when he was far enough, i ran to the angmoh guy and like grabbed him arm and started shaking it furiously!! hahaha and i was trying to tell him what happened but i was so scared shit i was stuttering like mad and when he finally got the gist of it, he just looked at the guy and asked him (in mandarin, no less) "ni yao she me?!" while pointing at his bag!!!!! argh!!! i cant believe this guy! so UNbothered by the whole thing.. ergghhh! and after a while he went back to his fan bargainingggg!!!!!!!! cant you believe this..!?!?!! sheesh!! and the guy was like still lurking around so i didnt dare to go back to the shop my parents were in cos i'd have to pass him..! and for some reason, i was to chicken to ask the angmoh guy if i could hang around him for a while cos someone wanted to kill me..!!!!!! bahhh!! but the guy eventually left and i ran back and i was so shit scared i almost cried lah.. heh.. so that was that.. ((:
oh, and on the way back to the hotel, i kept imagining what would happen if he REALLY did have a knife in his pocket and had stabbed me!! i would be like bleeding to death in the middle of this dirty street and no one would be bothered and the ang moh guy wouldnt even know what happened cos he would be busy with his fan!!!!! ARGHHH!!!!
2. it flooded.
just up to the ankles lah, but bad enough okay.. it was alright until we reached the area around our hotel.. which happened to be this lao beijing area, with dirty streets and run down housing (just like singapore last time).. so OF COURSE, there was no proper drainage system, so OF COURSE, the whole damn place was flooded.. which meant that we had no choice but to slosh home..!! disgusting!! cant even see your feet lah..! and it rained like hell so i was wet up to almost my waist anyway!! BAHHHH!!!! and we saw on the news that other areas of beijing were flooded up to waist level..! and there was this clip of a car trapped in water.. and you cant even see the car..! like only the top inch of it can be seen..!!!! and this was supposed to be summer, during which it hardly ever rains.. and here it was, pouring like hell..!! sheesh!!!!!



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