saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, March 02, 2005

whoaaaa just had my first FULL day or school which entitled me to a grand total of FIFTEEN MINUTES for a break!
tired to the max! not to mention that im getting hungry!!

film class in the morning was a fantabulastic surprise!!
horrible john cumming is GONE!! woohoooo!!!
he took my film class last year and hes terrible to the max!! worse than that even!
and i was so very dreading this class but i had no choice cos i was short of a subject!! but oh no not anymore!!
cos DAVID CARLIN is here to save the day!! WOOHOOOO!!!
very nice looking guy pleasant friendly and the best thing of all, ORGANISED..!
yes yes very much so..!
wahahahaha happy!! and he actually seems interested in us..! instead of last sem where we had to put up with mumbling and sloppy useless info/instructions..!
we are saved! hahaha okok i'll stop.. but class seems pretty interesting so far..
it'll get busy like hell, but i guess everything is just like that..

art class after that where i had my first live drawing class!!
hahaha how amazing is that! was quite very tiring i must say..
instead of the usual barbara bolt taking the class, it was a new guy.. michael mark..
and his technique is kinda different i guess.. so very very technical..!
we had to draw a new pose every 20 minutes, with correct proportions and all..
supposed to be all mathematical and technical.. none of that expressive art drawing shit..
which is actually quite hard you know, my proportion started to waver by like the third drawing and by the fifth and sixth he told me to stop myself from DRAWING like an artist, and draw like a mathematician..!!!!!
i thought i was gonna go mad!!
and so irritating, they're not gonna provide us with paper and stuff anymore and its a bit ridiculous, cos the paper is HUGE!! and what, how in the world are we supposed to lug about 30 plus sheets of this GIANT paper around every wednesday..?!?!?!????
are they quite mad..?!?!??? sheesh!!

anyway i didnt quite make it to pilates after class cos i only had like 15 minutes before the class started and by the time i got there the tickets were all sold out.. oh well.. think i shall just have to go on monday then..

so.. school isnt too bad so far.. SO FAR.. but think its a bit of a pity that i cant take this ancient greece subject.. i only discovered about it on monday at the bookshop so i went for the lecture and a tutorial! ahha and i kinda like the class.. the prof, chris mackie took my classical mythology subject last sem and i really like his class man.. the best part is, he's taking the tutorial too!! and its much much better i think..
but the 2nd lecture clashes with my live drawing workshop and gauging from todays class, i know i definitely cant miss that.. even if just for the last hour..
i was considering dropping my film class, then pushing up my workshop time to make room for ancient greece, but now that david carlin is here to save the day, i guess i shouldnt..
besides im already taking ancient egypt..! which i guess is something refreshing cos ive never done anything about egypt before.. i know jackshit!!
i have a lot of reading to do man.. and ancient greece has so much more cos its all based on literature.. whereas ancient egypt is based on archaeology..
so i shall just not be itchy hand and leave everything alone..
and stop pondering about it.

just a one hour lecture tomorrow and im done with school for the week!! woohooo!!
HOPEFULLY im not a lazy bum, and start my projects on time so i dont end up dying like mad!! sigh.. it will take all the willpower, i know..

my sis told me something quite disturbing.. after her boyfriend's dog gave birth to four puppies, the mother just immediately slurped up the placenta that came out with it..!!! how wrong is that?!?!?!

yes yes mil! thats what i mean! the table clock is too small man..!


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