saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, February 24, 2005

good weather these past couple of days.. HOT HOT HOT!!! good stuff!! heheheee..

was at the night market yesterday which was kinda cool except that i didnt manage to buy anything..!! cos i couldnt find my ear-ring man!
uma and joe did though.. i found this uber cool shop selling those wooden accessories that they like so much..
i wanted to get this bag with a vespa on it.. and some nice guy t-shirts.. but too ex ah..? have not yet acquired that kind of spending power.. ahahahah

but i tell youuuuu.. i was so extremely bloated the entire day man..!!
well okay not the entire day, just when i was at the night market.
see right, i stayed over at jessica's place the night before, and i woke up pretty late (cos i couldnt sleep?). so we ended up having lunch at 3 plus? almost 4pm!!!
which is actually fine by me..! except that uma called me a couple of hours later the say that she and joe cooked dinner for me!!! (sho shweet wight..??)
so i had the earliest dinner possible in a day of late lunches, at 730pm!! and so much food again! the rice was never ending!!!
it was a good meal, dont get me wrong (especially one cooked with such loveeee haha), but it was just never ending..?!!!
not to mention the fact that when we got to the night market, all uma wanted to do was EAT?!!!!!! shock of all horrors..! and me? all i could think of was im-so-full-im-gonna-be-sick!
not to mention, jess met us after the night market, and we went for ICE-CREAM!!!
which is normally the best thing in the world, but just not at that moment! haha
havent eaten a thing all day today and i feel completely fine!
think i dont have to eat till maybe saturday or sunday! sheesh!

i am looking for a cheap wall clock.
mine died on me!

hehe quite happy my sis is coming to visit me soon..!! yay!
and she called me yesterday!! wheehoooo!!! (((:

hey internet here is really bad you know..!
in fact, its unbelievably bad!! and ridiculously expensive!!
ive been living without internet in my house for one and a half weeks now..!
which seems to be alright at the moment, cos i guess its less distracting and i can uh.... be more productive..??? hahahaha we'll see how it goes..!

hehe steph you're very well read/studied ah..!! so impressed! haha
i bet you will love the dvd collection at my library man..!
lots of cool movies! classics, contemporary, trashy, arty-farty you name it they got it! (i think) haha nah they dont have the latest movies and all lah, but still a good collection i say..
just borrowed billy-elliot! happy!

i totally didnt have your number to sms you!! haha sorry hope you had a good time!
and youre very dark now you know..!

oh fiona i just read the comments on your blog and i miss you!!! hahahahaha


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