saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, February 08, 2005

im feeling very grumpy now lahhhhh

tried to pay my school fees using this internet banking thing which was totally confusing and got me terribly lost cos it was so hard just to find the place to login oh my goodness..!!!!!!
and then!!! after finally finding the section to pay my bills, they say that i have to add the bill to the list of bills i regularly pay..!!
and the whole thing is so confusing cos they simply insist on using BANKING JARGON ALL OVER THE DAMN PLACE AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEYRE TALKING ABOUT LAAAHHHHH!!!!!!
i mean! just a simple "ADD BILL" button will do! but noooooo..!! view billers, change bills, insert payee account and search..??!!?! what the hell!!!!

AND THEN I CANT EVEN FIND MY INVOICE!! bahhhh.. so irritated..
i gave up lah!

havent even read the past 2 days newspaper..
mom gave me a comforter cover to use as a bedsheet which is too small lah! so it gets messed up so easily..
nose is mad from cleaning super dusty area..
couldnt find a proper (digital) photo for my resume.. the photo i want to use is like not digital and i dont have a scanner and i tried taking a photo of it to make it digital but its terrible! and i cant be bothered anymore lah..!

sooooo frustrating to the max!

anyway today was a bit mad lah..
went to meet my friend.. got new earrings yay! very nice simple afternoon i like. but very confusing too? okay actually not really, just complicated? i have no idea, thinking too much? or not too much? normal? going crazy, scared.. and selfish!! argh.

got home in time to rush around the house folding mountains of clothes, calling fong seng people.. poor mom, supposed to help her..
met fiona, met steph, ate ikan bilis, watched steph wave frantically with aching lungs, i dont want h20!, fifi is going, feeyohnahhhh tooo!, greedy for prata, malay man laughing at us!, annabelle comes, annabelle leaves, annabelle comes again!, she cannot chooooose!!!, malay men do not talk; just smile/laugh; gila??????, sprained my neck laughing, need to peeeeee!! bye bye annabelle!!
hahahaha had a good laugh!! a lot of laugh! too much laugh!! hahahaa

all over house again. mad. too many things to do i am leaving too soon annabelle and steph want a foochow party!!!!!!! fermented red rice wine chicken vermicelli soup? foochow fishballs?? hmmmzzzzzzz..

mind not sound.
not sound mind.
sound mind not.


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