saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, January 19, 2005

i did it..!!!
i forced myself to go to bed early last night
well relatively early lah.. haha
not bad okay.. 2am!!
as oppossed to erm 6am??
hahaha so proud of myself..!
and i got out of bed at like 11am!
AM!!! like, before 12!!! hahahaha
okay im mad..

but i really hope i keep this up..!
have been telling myself to sleep at 2 for the past couple of weeks, and ive never ever managed to do it..!
now i can have more fulfilling days!
like last friday where i got "woken up" at 7 bloody am!!
to meet annabelle and fiona for tim sum at 7th red star in chinatown!!
and you know, its in a flatted factory!! haha
okay fiona's so gonna kill me when she reads these 2 sentences..
but my goodness that was the most fulfulling day i ever had probably in my entire life i tell you..!
cos after breakfast we went around chinatown following annabelle's button buying craze.. and i was collapsing all over the place! baahhhh
met up with little sheree for a drink and gracie tooo..!!!
then fiona and i left to check something out at riverview while gracie and annabelle went birthday shopping..
we finally found our destination after walking ALL AROUND chinatown AND clarke quay AND riverpoint!!!!! IN THE BLAZING HEAT!!!
my goodness i wanted to die..
and of course, that wasnt the end of meeting people for the day cos we met up with steph there..!! after which we triapsed to zion road for fish noodles! (which was really quite nice lah)
sat there for about 2 hours plus talking (good times hey) before jon joined us for another 2 hours??? MADNESS!!
and the way home after that, i got a call so i detoured and went to holland v to meet syahzan!! oh gosh..!!
it was really quite funny lah, cos we laughed like nobody's business.. and thats quite weird cos we've never actually done that before?? hahaha
we've always met up with other people around and we've never actually talked much to each other man.. haha but good times hey?

haha okay okaayyy so this is like a super late blog entry right.. haha!
but yeah.. hope for more fulfilling days like these to come..!
oh yes annabelle i want to go to zouk flea and easy! call me okay! i never go before!!


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