saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, November 11, 2004

do you guys reckon its worth paying 65.90 aussie dollars
for tickets to the maroon 5 concert..??
a tad overpricey you think..??
really wondering if i should pay that much..

i missed terry pratchett's talk at the union house in uni today..
he was going there to talk about his new book lah..
but i couldnt get tickets..!
all sold out..!
i couldnt believe it when i heard it man..
so so sad..

have been trying to study, but its not working..!
ive read a bit here and there lah..
but i think its all pretty useless stuff man..
SO not gonna help me at all in the exam.!
shit i am so dead lah..
what am i gonna do..?!
i dont think i can finish reading about EVERYTHING before my paper..!!!

hope you had lots of fun with the girls fiona..!
so amazing i got to talk to all of you lah..!
heh, except liz..! and ping..!
erm yeah.. haha..
annabelle you better celebrate your bday with i come back okay..!
its ridiculous! everyone will be gone..!
you can have your theme party thing again lah..!
sorry jas, i wont be back in time for yours..
but im sure you'll have fun with the girls who will do something special for you..!
haha(might i also mention that i STILL cannot read your blog..?!?!!!!!)
and liz i know you like people mentioning you in their blogs right..
haha so this is just for you..
kinda silly lah right.. haha..
steph enjoy yourself everywhere in the world you are going okay..!
youre having such a globe trotter year i tell you..
hehe happy birthday again fiona..!!
love ya lots..!

heh okay, so i know im supposed to take pictures of all the pressies..
but i havent done it yet lah.. oops..
in any case.. i guess the spidey will be named S..?????
although it sounds a little weird cos it doesnt really rhyme with G???
hahaha.. and it also sounds like ASS lah..!!!!!
hehe anyway thank you all again for all the wonderful presents..!!

and RAG..!!
tell your mom thanks for the leaf cookies..!!!!
hehehehehe so exciting..!

heheheheeee... hope you had fun with all the food and all yes??
and good luck with your essay man..
bet you havent finished it yet hor..
well, hurry up!!
there's a 3 hour time difference dont forget..!

oh yeah..
birthday wishes to stephen and ploy as well..

hehe okie.. take care you guys..
have to clear my room..
and keep my pasta.. (i made pasta just now! very nice lah..! hehe)
see ya..!!


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