saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, October 15, 2004

so i turned 21 yesterday..

first surprise was from ploy..!
she bought a little cake from brunetti's for me..!
and arranged it so nicely too..! wheee!!

plus, i got a parcel from my sister..!
my first package ever..! so exciting right..!
so many nice things inside i wanted to die lah..!
and i even got one of those 3 dimensional swinging pig cards..!
so cute..!
and a squidward pez sweet.. and some funky socks..
some hand and nail cream, and a tiny hair brush from my mom..
and a watch!!!!! !!!!!
i love them all lah.. cannot bear to use anything..
too precious right..

oh hey, havent posted up pics in a really long time right..
so here you go..!
heh i just got my prepaid internet lah.. so exciting..!
(damn! so many things i want to say at the same time..!)

hmm other than that..
didnt do much lah..
other than skip lecture,
and invite my friends over for dinner..!

and i cooked!!
yes, for all EIGHT of them..!!!!!

tandoori chicken,
and stuffed peppers..!
actually steamed egg also,
but it turned out wrong..!!
quite upsetting..
i wanted to just keep it and use it for something else..
but ploy refused, and put it on the table!
and they all ate it!
so nice they all..
especially uma! who ate so much of it..!
theyre so nice lah they..

and only the chicken curry turned out right..
the stuffed peppers were just alright lah..
but not cooked enough.. cos i was lazy to par-boil them before..!
and i forgot to add cheese into the stuffing..!
oh well.. will try it again next time..!
and uma ate it..!
sorry girl.. wanted to use something else,
but couldnt find a replacement, and tomatoes would be weird!

oh, ploy made soup too..!
with banana flowers..! cool huh..
and she cut a very nice ornamental plateful of fruit!!

eh but my friends ah..
so sickening..!
before coming, jess called to ask if she should bring pizza..!!
look down on me..!

oh, forgot to take pictures of the food i cooked..!!
so sadd...!! i was supposed to take pics for my sis to seeee..!!!!! )):

anyway.. the guys bought me a HUGE cake rom brunettis..!!
heheehheee... how sweet right..!
it was dark chocolate.. my fav!! yum!!
and a bit of mint.. which was quite nice for me..
but they didnt really like it.. hmmm..
oh oh, and they bought this musical candle..!
so cute lah..!
and cos so many funny things happened..
i blew it out like, so many times..! haahaaa
and anyway right.. there was one big and one small candle..
which meant that i was ELEVEN years old..!!!
what the...
hahahahaha but damn cute lah..

that's roni, jess, myself, ploy (with the head band), rach (with the brown jacket, but cannot see her face here), cake and uma..!

oh, rach gave me one of those make yourself planes from when we were kids..! cool huh.. and there's ploy in the pic with me..!

and then we just sat around talking rubbish and taking silly photos..
rach brought a tiara for me but these guys ended up taking pictures with it..
except for uma, where we practically had to wrestle her..!
(she hate's being in pictures)

btw, rach is holding a cleaver, and a box of bite-size BOOBS that they all got me.!
(still cant really see her face here, cos she's spastic..)
oh yes.. here you see jess all nice and *ahem* "queenly"..
look at the next pic..!

she's bogay..!!!! hahahaha.!!

wah, what a funny night man..!
i just realised that this is just about the first time ive organised a thing for my birthday..!
i know the past 2 years were spent working,
and then i just went home to have cake with my family..
thank you all my lovely friends..!
love you guys..!
and sorry uma, for spoiling your surprise of knowing you knew..!

oh, special thanks to steph (sorry i thought you were fiona!) and fiona and my lurbelee cha and darren who called me all the way from sg..!
and wishes from rag, annabelle, shuping, shichang, don my cousin nicole, my ex-colleague nicole, and stephen..! (and liz!)
plus the advanced one from wesley..! haha..
and of course to uma, rach, jess, cake, ploy, roni and tum for coming for dinner and eating my strange food and getting cake and drinks (which we didnt drink?) and the cute stuff, and the fun night..! *grinzzzzzz*

and thanks for all the gifts and poems and cards and stuff everyone..!
so cool you all..
sorry girls, havent received the stuff you guys sent me yet..!
i cant wait though..
i have such great friends lah..!

okay, so ive spent the whole night online cos its my first day online in this house..!
i finally have internet..!
i dont have to go to school to use it anymore..!
okay, so its just dialup, and i have to share it with ploy,
but who cares man...! it doesnt matter anymore..!
i just went crazy..! haha
had a good chat with shichang..! d:
its almost 9am now man, shit..
hope im awake enough the whole day to get some work done..!

*hugz and muakz* for everyone..!


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