saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, October 07, 2004

liz i cant believe you've squatted and showered before tooo!!
i didnt think anyone did that before..!

fiona the barefoot in the park dvd is gone..!!
cannot borrow..!

aiya you know what happened yesterday..?
i had photography lecture and workshop in the morning..
but i got back at like 3something am..
and i knew that if i went to sleep i wouldnt wake up in time for class..!
so i wanted to stay up and then just go to school..
but you know what happened..?!???
i fell asleep at 7am!!!
it was SO close okay!
just one more hour and i succumbed..!
and so i missed all of that morning's class,
PLUS, the first hour of my afternoon workshop..!
i woke up late for that too..!
and i was so upset lah..!
im such a terrible student man..!

adding to that, i got back my mythology essay on tuesday..
and i got the horrible grade of a PASS!!!
i had like a whole page full of comments man..
stating the things that were wrong with my essay..
and the whole thing had so many comments..!
out of the whole essay, i only had ONE tick!
one GOOD tick!
how upsetting lah..
and this bloody essay is 50% of my grade..
so the rest of it all depends on my exam..!!!!!
thats so not good!
cos i looked at the past year papers, and i couldnt do any of it..!!
im dead..
im just not cut out for this mythology crap shit..
i should just read it like stories and enjoy it..
not study it and fail..

anyway gtg lah..
people waiting for me to go dinner..
bye byeeeeeeeeee


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