saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, September 23, 2004

and i just watched Rain Man!!!
hehe great show lah, what can i say man..
i actually found myself laughing a lot..
just the little things that dustin hoffman's character does..
i like the part when tom cruise's character is accused of making use of his brother..
and when he asks, "am i using you?!!"
the bro goes, "yeah!"
okay, so maybe its not funny now lah..
but its funny in the show okay..

oh hey anyway, i just remembered..
need some suggestions from you guys for my photography portfolio..
its supposed to be a photographic essay of 6 to 8 prints,
which should be related to one another..
in style, concept, theme or exploration of a photographic technique..
in english, it just means you should be able to tell that these prints are related to each other..
heh yeah, so i need some ideas..?
cos im just totally stumped on what to do man.. )):


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