saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, August 06, 2004

okay so since ive been back, i havent actually spent a night at my own place..?
i was at uma's place the night before, and jessica's place last night..!
and since i was re-arranging my room, everything is all messed up and all over the place..
not to mention that i havent even unpacked yet..!!!

got some half priced pizza at intersection cafe and went to roni's place for dinner together with jess, uma and rachel..
roni and rachel are crappy people lah..!
so we just hung around together talking rubbish..
and at about 9 plus we all headed down to this irish pub called pugg mahones..
(think i told you guys about it before..? its the one i went to for st patricks day..!)
and uma's hostel mates joined us later..
heh it was crazy lah..
i love the music there..?
cos the band plays good songs.. like U2 and oasis and greenday and bon jovi and what not.. !!
good stuff i tell you.. none of that techno and house crap shit you get in singapore..
oh but jess spoilt my left ear for a while..!
cos she was trying to tell me something, but she shouted a bit too loud i think, and i could hear my ear vibrating inside..!! ahhh!!!

anyway we were there until like 1 plus in the morning lah..!
after that we hung around for a while more, talking and nonsense..
then i walked back to jessica's place..!! ahh..
and crazy lah the 2 of us.. we spent like 5 hours sitting on the couch talking..?!
till like 7 am..?!!?!

gotta get back home soon man..
then im going to david's birthday party!!

hmm.. think im trying to keep myself ultra busy or something..?
so that i dont have time to think and go mad..????
i dunno man.. i think maybe thats why i havent really been home too..
but i have to.. right?
cos there are things to do..
work to start doing..
remember i was supposed to be a better person..? generally speaking i mean..
start my work early, keep in touch with my friends, not be so lazy, run my errands..
do my grocery shopping..!!!!
oh my oh my i totally forgot about that..!
see right, im not sharing groceries and stuff with my housemates anymore, so ive gotta take care of my own things now.. right..?

anyway liz, i didnt realise that you actually wrote a thing for me in your blog..!
i thought you meant that you wrote a little comment in my blog!
hehe but anyway, thanks dear.. so sweeet lahh..!! hehe
hope your pinkie is getting better btw..!!!!!!

and rag too.. haha its crazy i can imagine you saying all that.. and MORE!!! hahaa
cannot stand you lahhhhh.. and i want to scold you lah..!!!!

hehe jasmine, i havent actually gone on a movie watching rampage okay..
im trying to stop myself from watching too many things, so that i will force myself to do my work and shit.. i wonder how long that will last.. haha
btw, i still cant read your blog..!!!

jess, i did call you annabelle! maybe i was mumbling cos i was dead and gone..?
haha but i really do remember it.. and i even remember scolding myself for that.. haha..
but you didnt say anything sooo....

annabelle, i reeaally (in my tone) cannot stand your "u lurve?".. like reeaally (in my tone)..
hahaha.. but i just wanted to die laughing when i read it okay.. hahahaa..
oh and jessica warns you not to spy out of your window too much.. cos it can get addictive..
haha she's got the experience.. you guys can exchange tips ya.. haha

heh okay man this post is really too shit long..
better go sia..


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