saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, July 31, 2004

i tell you.. fiona's restaurant is like the best okay..
this girl was SOOOO SWEET!!!
you know she spent like the entire day cooking like a ten course meal for an entire army..!!!!
hahaha okay no lah not a ten course meal, but she DID cook enough for an entire army lorrr..! haha

there was seafood WITH risotto.. (so said because there was more seafood than rice! heh thats why i like this restaurant.. a lot of ingredients! haha but what a pity about the clams right..!) japanese curry.. fried fish.. asparagus salad.. and erm.. brushetta toppings? haha.. there wasnt brushetta in the end lah, cos.. heh i also dunno why ah..? haha well, there was the bread.. but there wasnt the intended smoked salmon.. haha maybe thats why.. not that it matters lah.. haha.. yeah so we just ate the tomatoes!

heh but it was fantastic lahh..!! even though there was too much food (as usual) lah right..?! ((: oh yeah there was also apple crumble which jasmine made right..?! haha it was quite nice lah right.. *grinzz* and i bought the ice cream! heh which liz failed at scooping! i think dawne was like the best right.. heh.

oohh must say right.. annabelle was wearing like the cutest rainbow skirt with a mickey mouse top! and so cute lah her bag! plus her rainbow earrings! heh you should have seen her walking down the corridor to fiona's house okay.. sauntering down without a care in the world.. hahaha!!

we were all silly lah.. bumming on fiona's bed and talking nonsense.. heh.
and can you believe it.. they went to look for sghunk's website..!!!!! like eeeww!!
mad people!!
and fiona was happily oggling at that guy's blog..?! i dont even know his name! joel??

heh aiyaaa the time just flew past like that.. think it was so fast cos we were like busy cleaning up and stuff..
im so gonna miss my wonderful friends right..
feel so.. so.. saddd.. hearing all their big plans to meet up for soft shell crab set lunch.. and what not..
haha so fun lah right..
what am i gonna do in melbourneeee...?!!!!!
poor ol' me..

oh btw, my campaign to be a better person/friend has started with calling don marcus to meet up with him and syahzan for coffee on sunday..! haha
oh, and also adding mingwei and damien and erm, zhiwen on my msn..!
heh see how this goes right....

and im leaving on monday night!


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