saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, July 28, 2004

like i FINALLY caught spiderman 2 man..! went with rag just now.. haha

okay lah it was good i guess.. but i wasnt too happy with the whole thing..
for one.. can he freaking keep his mask on or what..?!!!
he ALWAYS manages to avoid showing his identity..
but noo.. now the whole world knows who he is..
harry's not supposed to find out!!
and spidey's not supposed to go around taking off his mask in front of his enemies..?!!
much less MJ!!
she's not supposed to knowww..!
she's supposed to keep going out with these cute guys from wherever.. who are rich and have fast cars and yada yada..
which means! she's not supposed to BE with peter parker..!

okay i just realised i might have spoiled the entire show for someone who hasnt watched it yet but erm okayyyy... sorry..?

but anyway, ARGHH..!!!!


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