saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, July 24, 2004

i FINALLY went out with my sis yesterday..! sheesh! caught Ella Enchanted and managed to get some stuff for her.. yay!
picked mom up for dinner at west coast, where i swear i felt like a cannibal! heh we ate mutton chop from the indian stall, and it came with this RED sauce that looked so scary! it was alright lah, just damn scary at first.. haha.. felt like Hannibal Lector..! d:

anyway, my dad forced us to go down to this pub to meet some of the trainee crew and i was bored as hell man.. i dont think ive ever been so bored in my entire life! sit there talking to myself, pretending im talking to someone.. haha okay lah not so sad lah i didnt talk to myself.. heh but really so bored lah.. then can hear my dads friend telling them about me.. yada yada yadaaaaa... oh god i wanted to die.


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