saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, July 26, 2004

wow its 5am and i just got home..!
and i am damn hungry lahh..!!! shit..

hmm went to watch i, Robot with cheeky guy just now.. and it was actually quite good.. i wasnt too keen on it cos the robots were just too damn fugly lah, but it was a good show..

and rag, in case youre pouting, which im sure you are.. i was obliged to watch it with him okayy..
cos i was supposed to go for his commissioning parade in the afternoon, but in the end i didnt go lah.. so well, kinda felt a bit badddd...

hmm anyway, even after not meeting him for soo long.. it was the most UNweird thing ever..! like we still can get along, and talk crap.. which was damn fun lah.. cool right..!


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