saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, July 30, 2004

heh just got a lift home from guess who?? damien! haha how weird is that! haha

see i met like 2 million people in holland village just now man..!
met shuping and annabelle and usha and fiona and mingwei for dinner at thai express..
after which we migrated to coffee club for desert right..
and later ben and kah fei came, and then annabelle and shuping and usha left..
then mingwei left to meet damien and zhiwen right, so i told him to say hi to them for me! but he suddenly said that they were coming to say hi to me live! heh so they came and joined us too..
heh so yeah, thats the story of how i met 2 million people in holland village just now.. haha

but it was damn fun lah, even though it was maybe a tad strange cos its like merging 2 different groups..? but it wasnt too bad lah right..?

and i feel so nostalgic!
i wish we were all back in the good ol' days! when everything was fine and dandy.. and we were happily studying together and having fun at the same time..
life was good..! i miss everyone lah! i really wish i didnt have to leave!
but then again, if i didnt have to leave then i wouldnt be meeting everyone right..!

i guess maybe i miss the fact that i know so many people here in sg..! like we were talking about friends of friends of friends that we know and whatever crap.. (i still think its amazing how fiona remembers so many people and knows so many scouts!!) and retelling old stories like who was going after who.. and how mingwei liked 3 girls at the same time! haha what nonsense, it was so funny!! and the best part was when the guys were exchanging numbers..???? how weird was that!! haha.. and the heated argument about getting married.. like NOW?!?!!!!! are they all mad or what! annabelle, looks like we're the only sane ones here man..

heh but i love all this crap..! sigghhh... what am i gonna do in melb..!! everything and everyone is in sg!! )): and soon i will be gone too..! how depressing is that! im upset just thinking about it..! )):

and it doesnt help much when i think its kinda my own fault right..
and actually, it is..!
like how im such a horrible friend (and i am!), not calling people and all..
or just not making the effort to keep in contact with my friends..?
for wanting to escape all the time..
for being, well.. dao..?

i mean, come to think of it.. i havent seen some of them in what, 3 years..? and here i am complaining about how much im gonna miss everyone.. like, what shit is that right..!

this is it right.
i shall try to be a better friend right.?
and a better person.
and not be so lazy.
wake up early, run my errands.. not waste my day..
start my work early, put in more effort.. improve my grades..
call my friends, meet up with them.. and try to keep in touch..
right.. i wonder how long i can keep this up..


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