saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, July 28, 2004

oh yeah forgot i was supposed to reply to the comments.. haha
im so faithful in doing that right.. dd:

hmm ella enchanted was alright lah.. not too bad.. but some parts were a bit boring.. oh and it kinda tried to copy shrek..? as in you know how shrek had some puns from the modern world that they inserted into medieval life..? likee... they had a store named Versarchery.. (spelling?) if i remember correctly.. well ella enchanted was like that lah.. they had wooden stairs that could move just like an escalator.. stuff like that ah..

and stepphhh!!! im already missing school ah..! think i will miss like 2 weeks of school?? or if im lucky, just one and a half..! heh..

which reminds me.. ANNA AND PING ARE BACK!!!! like FINALLY RIGHTTT!!!!! hahaa.. so exciting..! and fiona's back too! i thought she was only coming back tmr, but cool! one less day for me to wait! haha


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