saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, July 31, 2004

i sound like a spoilt brat.. but im so sad and miserable!
i dont wanna go back!!!!
been in a damn sian mood like the whole day..
dont wanna do anything
dont wanna run my errands
dont wanna pack
dont wanna bother!!
and its all cos i dont wanna go back to school!!!
i dont think ive ever hated school in my entire life, but i really hate school!
it comes with knowing that youre gonna be at the bottom of the damn class and theres nothing you can do about it!
and its true!
like, just because youre interested in something, doesnt mean you'll do well in it..
and this is just one very good example..
and im being suicidal when i just continue taking all these classes which fall under that category..
i should stop this lah right..!
but i cant help itttttt.............
and theres just no timeeee.... no time!! NO TIMEEE!!!!!!
its gonna be another helluva horrible and miserable half a year..


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