saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, August 03, 2004

back in melb.
haha sheesh

i tell you, everything is spoilt.
eyes are spoilt from all the crying, plus sometimes my left eye acts weird..
nose is SORE from all the rubbing, and now it cant seem to stop dripping..
voice was spoilt on sunday night, nobody knows why. still spoilt now..
what's next, my ears?

decided to rearrange my room..
but i had only vacuumed like half the place, and shifted my bed when it was time to go to school!!
like so fast..!?!?!!

and i fell asleep in lecture.. like crazy man..!
i could hear what was going on, and wanted to write some stuff, but my pencil couldnt make it to the paper cos my hand was dead!
going for another class in like 5 minutes lah..
hope i dont fall asleep too!

i couldnt sleep much on the plane..
when i finally did fall asleep, it was time to eat breakfast..
so can you imagine..?!
i have had about 2 hours of crappy sleep for the past 3 days..!

i feel so tired i think i can drop dead the moment i get home!
but i havent even unpacked! ahh!
and i havent finished moving my stuff..!! AHH!!

heh okay so many comments..!
did i make a lot of people cry too..? haha..
sorrryyyyy.. d:
oh but i cried on the plane too you know.. haha! so dumb right..
first time i cry on a plane i think.. haha silliness lah huh..!!
but i cant help it..!
everytime i think of all you lovely people.. and the funny things you did.. or said..
and how sweet you guys were..
i will just crumble..!!

yeah.. so..
while im freezing my nose off here, have fun in sunny singapore for me..!


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