saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, September 02, 2004

so i posted something like 4 days in august man...

heh ello ello..??
i dunno man.. i guess maybe i just didnt know how to blog anymore..?
heh okay somehow that doesnt make sense right..?
yeah i know, but its true man..
just didnt quite know what to say anymore..
plus some issues that i didnt really want to mention..
so hard when ironically this has to be so PC..

so anyway anyway anyway.....
thanks for all the lovely comments asking about my disappearance..??
haha nice to know you all noticed i was missing..!
heh, adoring fans indeed..!

well, how's school (and work, for some of you) going for you guys man..?
oh yeah and hi uma..! everyone send a wave..! hehe

see ya guys around..
hope i blog more..?


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