saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, September 02, 2004

oh goodness gracious me..
i just spent a good hour and a half (i think its more actually) reading everyone's blogs and leaving little comments..!
except for jasmine's cos everything is protected..!
and the only thing that i can read (a.k.a comment on) was written in june..!!!!!!!
like hellloooo????

heh and i vote liz's blog the most entertaining read lah..!
so many little things to laugh at..
and the best part, i can imagine her being her silly cute self..!
hehe.. announcing that she has a protected entry..??
imitating annabelle..? "... sooooo not funny" hehe
your fitness gloves.. and your pink sweater..
your flooble saving..
and how can i forget..?? you think you have a tumour..????
well.. its certainly brightened up my day..! haha


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