saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, September 10, 2004

wahaha.. its been a looonng time since ive blogged from school man..!
fell asleep at the time i was supposed to head down to school to do my work..
so i thought it would be yet another wasted day...

but but buttt.....
surprisingly, i managed to edit my junk film pretty fast..
the thing was crap lah, but frankly, i dont really care..
as long as its done i guess..
i did get a shock later though, when i was watching it again..
i discovered that the thing was twice as long as it was supposed to be..!!
the counter on the damn machine is crap lah..
only counts a single digit.. we all exceeded by a few times the limit..
i think uma's was 30 feet long! (its only supposed to be 10 feet)
the only thing left for that now is the sound..
and since we managed to get the MD today, we just have to worry about syncing it..
which looks like its gonna be a HUGE problem..
but since the editing suites are only gonna open on monday,
we shall just worry about it then..
haha ya like real right.. sure panic one.. wahahaa..

PLUS, i finally went down to the Doug McDonnel building to settle some stuff for my end of year trip..
BUT, all the places were JUST filled up..
but oh well.. the guy's pretty sure that someone will drop out of it..
and then he'll gimme a call..
well i really hope that does happen man..
hmmmm... *crosses finger and toes, knees and elbows*

AND, i also finally managed to have a little chat with steve about my final VIS project..
which really settled my mind on a lot of the technical shit for it..
i swear since my presentation on it on wednesday, its been haunting me man..!!
halfway during my readings i am thinking about it at the back of my head..

ALSO, i printed one of my pictures for my photography assignment..
so i just have to worry about the other picture, which i have yet to take.. haha..!
it was an easy picture to print lah..
no adjustments needed cos i tested out the colours before..
but its just one less thing to do.. you know what i mean..?

hmmm.. so far so good lah huh..
not to mention that i brought a sandwich to school for lunch,
and also some carrot sticks for uma..!

oh what else..?
spoke to steph on icq last night..!!! like finally right..??
after 4 mnths of her being away in the states and all..!! geez!!!
and i got her postcard yesterday too..!! woohooo!!!
i was so excited i tell you..
but it was written on like 04 aug..
which means it took something like more than a mnth to get to me?!?!?!?!?!!
the girl is going back to sg soon!!
like how fast its all been man..!
and that means that i cant send her a postcard there anymore..!!!!!
heh cheap thrill lah.. sending a postcard to the states.. hahaha!!

in other news, ive found a new place to stay..
and im gonna be moving in there on the 1st..!
kinda excited man.. its so near to everything..! hehehe..
i'll be staying with 2 thai girls.. and one of them is seems pretty fun..!
(i havent met the other one..)
things are looking pretty okay-good in that aspect..
oh except that i havent found someone to take over my current room yet..?
hmmm hope that happens soon though..

hmmm.. pretty tired out.. cos i was up all night catching up on my readings for mythology..
which i managed to do quite a bit lah..
kinda proud of myself..? haha errrmmmmmm.. right.. ((:
now i just have to finish up a bit of this weeks readings..
and start on next week's pile of readings..
plus my presentation..?
oh man..!!!

there are just too many things going on at the same time..!!!!!
but poor uma.. today was just torture for her yes..?
horrible start to the day cos she had to clean up after everyone at her hostel..
and she had to help so many people..?
her whole day was spent helping people with their assignments..
filming lah.. photography lah.. equipment lah..
wah piang.. dunno how she can tahan sia..
suddenly everyone needs her help man..

random thought: hope the guy we emailed for our photography presentation has replied...!!!!!
or at least, i really hope he replies soon..!!
i mean, SOON!!!!
ie NOW!!!!!!!!!!

aiya.. i really have big plans for my final VIS project lah..
i really hope hope hope that things go well..
and that i actually follow through my plan..
and that i manage to do everything that i wanted to do for it..
cos it really looks cool in my head man..
now if only i can teleport it out into the real world..
see uma.. magic fingers might come in handy here..

okay i think thats enough for a post man..
everything just came spilling out..!!
well.. see how this weekend goes sia..
going to look at cars with rachel tmr..
filming my credits on sunday (i think)..
and i better make it to church this week lor..!
missed last week cos of filming..
and i think james needs his gel..!!
okay ciao!


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