saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, September 06, 2004

oh mannnn..!!!
i swear, i am super aching all over sia...
i cant move myself without straining a muscle from somewhere..
did my filming at rachel's place today man..
and after a while roni pointed out that it was very narrative..
then i was like, oh shit man..
see lah stupid john coming, cause me to change my project..
and lose sight of my criteria.. erghh..
but oh well.. just do it lor..
too late to change now man..
at the most just film again next week..??
ugh. hope it doesnt come to that..

rachel has a new rabbit, named bourbon..
the other one's called socks..
socks is gettng fat.
and he is starting to bite.
he kept chewing at my fingers.
and even drew blood once!
bourbon has SHARP claws.
i now have a few scratches to his claim.
great. just great.
rabbit war scars.

adventurous us (rachel, uma and myself) decided to cook laksa for dinner.
which was perfectly fine..
except for the noodles..
which were tasteless.. not to mention i dont even like yellow noodles..
and there was so much noodles lah..!
so in the end we just drank the soup...?
haha and ate the prawns..!
i love prawns..!

wah super fulfilling day today man..
vacuumed like the whole house..!
which was pretty dusty lah..!
and scrubbed out the kitchen stove..
which had so much stuff on it..!
leftover gravy and burnt crumbs and what not..
and the best part is i dont even use it man..
oh well.. at least its nice and clean now..

heh asra, your tag board didnt let me comment properly, so here it is..
i know rose..!!!!! once got into a major cock up with her man..!
but oh well.. and at least she buys all the papers man..
she follows some series of articles in the papers, and keeps those in her collection or something..

oh, hello!!! *waves at amy!* grinnnzzzz


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