saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, September 23, 2004

heh okay it seems that that super duper long post was enough to last me a while..

in any case, its 645 am now, and i am WIDE AWAKE
i spent practically the entire night on the phone man..
talked to rag for about one and a half hours..
then spoke to my mom for slightly over an hour..
and rang jess back and we talked for something like 3 hours..!?!?!!!!!!
oh my goodness man..!
and the weirdest thing was, all 20 bucks of my phone credit ran out!
and i have absolutely no idea why..!!!!
sheesh man..! so irritated..!
oh well..

anyway, by the time the call was over, it was like 4 something in the morning..
and i went to boil corn! haha
i had been thinking about it all day i tell you..
and i ate my sub while watching His Girl Friday..
heh and no, i havent started on a movie rampage okay..
didnt go insane this semester.. ((:
but anyway, this show is about a female reporter who's about to quit the newspaper business to get married..
but her editor (and ex-husband) wants her to stay and cover the impending execution of a convicted murderer..
and you know what.. it was just impossible to stop watching it!!
i was supposed to pause halfway to go check on my corn..
but i just couldnt stop..!
its just so fast paced and its pretty exciting actually
and the editor is so damn sly i tell you..!
he actually gets her to stay with the paper, and has her begging to get back together as a couple..
and get marrried, and go on a honeymoon!
on top of all that, he manages to land her would-be husband in jail!!
three times, no less!!!

anyway, i had my corn after that..
and i watched an episode of sex and the city.. heh hehhh...
and now i am so bloody awake!

i hope i dont fall asleep, cos i have big plans to do some work..
print out some stuff for my journal.. and work on it..
print my past year exam papers..
(i cant believe i am doing this.. the last time was in secondary school!!! ahhh!!)
head down to school to return some library books..
and check out my film footage..
(i collected my film yesterday from the developers at st kilda's
and actually the shop was closed early on wednesday,
but there was a light on so i knocked..
and this little old man came to open the door..! hehehe
so i got my film after all!! d: )
cut it up, if i can.. hopefully my exposure is alright man..
i REALLY dont wanna have to reshoot again
i cant think of all the trouble..
AND the cost!! oh man..
i tell you.. it costs 36.30 for one roll of film..
which lasts only 2 and a half minutes..
and then developing costs 27.50!!!
can die man..

oh yes.. maybe i should also head down to victoria market to buy some socks!!
hmmmm.. ive been wanting to get some warm socks..
cos recently my feet have been getting colder than ever!
they're always cold, but not as bad as this!
oh speaking of socks, i wanted to buy this pair of socks from target yesterday..
(but i didnt cos i decided to check out the ones at vicmart first..)
and they were quite cute lah..
2 pairs for 8 bucks.. and the colours were so nice!
but a bit too nice to wear! haha.. think i couldnt bear using them..
but ya, want to save money so shall see if there are cheaper ones?
i dunno lah..
oh, but i bought some underwear..
and when i paid for them, i got a nice surprise!!
apparently they were on 20% discount!!
hahahaa... the little pleasures in life..
heh actually cheap thrill lah..

oh ya oh ya!!!
i bought a greenday dvd on tuesday!!
heh hehhhhh...
i actually didnt wanna buy it.. cos you know lah... want to save money and all..
but i succumbed..!!!
its got music videos of quite a few of their songs that i like..
so okay lah..
havent actually watched it yet though.. haha

hmm... i just remembered, i have to collect some boxes for when i move house next friday..
heh heh.. im quite excited i tell you..
but i have no idea how exactly to go about it..
im quite worried about the packing bit ah..
im horrible at packing, i hate it..
and i have so much stuff!!
its just all over the place lah!!

going to meet jess for half priced pizza dinner later..
and then uma wants to go to puggs (the pub i always talk about in here)
so gonna spend money again.. sighhhh..
and the silly girl hasnt even done her essay yet lor..! and its due on friday!!
hmm spent quite a bit this week..
been eating out and all..
and on monday, we all went to watch Shark Tale..
which is pretty good by the way..
(though i still prefer finding nemo)
go watch okay? its damn funny.. heheheeee
anway, we ended up at a pub after that.. (fiona knows this bit)
the manager mixed this fruit cocktail thing for us,
and apparently something he added had like 70% alcohol man..
rightttt... so it was all fine until we got up to leave..
and after walking down the stairs and out of the place,
i found myself getting increasingly deaf..
like there was a bubble over my head..
we went into 7-11 across the road, and jess was asking me about chips
and i just couldnt concentrate on anything
except that i should get water
and that i needed to sit down
lucky there were stools there i tell you
and after some water, and resting my head for about 3 minutes or so..
i was fine..
but ya...
was so fine after that, that we all headed down to uma's place nearby..
and ordered pizza!!!
so yaaaaa....

heh okay this is turning into another long post as well..!!
sheesh.. wondering what i should do now..
should i watch another dvd?
or should i start doing some work..

oh so for those of you who dont know..
im on my semester break now..
its 2 weeks long.. and im halfway into the first week..
and this is the first time in my entire life,
that i dont have an assignment thats due right after the break..!!
first time that i can enjoy my break properly!!
without a worry!!
well, not really, cos i realise that i have only 4 weeks of school after that,
and still a lot of projects to finish
so that will be a major bummer..
but still!!!
wheeee!!! for now lah..
we were supposed to take a small road trip, but im not sure if thats actually gonna be happening..
but oh well..

okay, will stop here for now..
later!! ((:
oh steph, welcome back!! (even though im not actually there..) *hugzzzzz*


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