saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, September 29, 2004

okay so ive been homeless since sunday..
but well, not really, cos ive been staying over at uma's..
and i feel kinda bad cos she gives me her entire room and goes to someone else's room to sleep..
and i know that the someone needs rest too cos its been a pretty rough week..
oh no.. how?
and i actually made egg mayo for joe's camping trip cos he helped me moved my stuff to my new place on sunday..
but he didnt take it, and something went wrong with his trip..
so he's back here,
and the egg mayo has been digested by quite a few people..!!
except joe..!

anyway im pretty poor right now..
went over this month's budget already, and i stilll need to get big boards for my project..
have absolutely no idea how much that will cost man..
besides, ive already eaten into next week's money..!!

im not too sure about whether im making a point when i say this..
but what's up with friends these days..?
its just not good enough to do something small for them, or listen to their problems, or try to catch up with them anymore..
is it really that easy to give up a good friendship over material concern?
whether its just been a few months, or a good few years..?
can things just suddenly go kaput! one day..
even after trying..?
and then you just know that its over.. and that nothing will work anymore..
is there such a thing?
or will there be some unforeseen time many years into the future when they can finally meet and converse without scratching each other's faces with sarcasm..?
does that really exist..?
maybe it does..
but then again, if its taken that long.. and that much "forgiving time" (also known as "get-over-it-already time")..
does that mean its not worth it..?
they werent really friends in the first place..?

in any case,
kaput! kaput! kaput!


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