saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, October 01, 2004


okay, i am severely depressed..
i wrote this EXTREMELY long and detailed post..
and it just disappeared like that..
gone! poof! kaput!
now i dont have the mood or energy to write all that again..

shall try to summarise..
i hate this..

had movie marathon last night at rach's place..
dinner: bak-kuh-teh.. YUM!!

show 1..
The Labrynth
starring jennifer connelly, and david bowey..
super old show, with a scene with 2 billion staircases running in different directions..
she could walk upside down, left side up, wrong side down..
best part of it all.. remember watching as a kid..
does anyone remember watching this show?????

show 2..
Welcome to the Jungle
starring THE BATU (THE ROCK lah..) and sean william scott..
as usual, sean william scott is acting as some idiot, and the batu is acting as some macho man..
not that great a show..
but kinda funny..

show 3..
(cue scary music.. like JAWS theme.. "duh-duhm.. duh-duhm..")
heh okay lah, wasnt that scary watching it this time round..
rach and uma kept huddling near me and grabbing my arm..
wah lau what makes them think that im not scared also right..
hahah.. no lah was actually okay..
kinda amusing and a little funny though,,
cos the show is so damn old, the effects are so cheesy..!!
okay lah, i got scared at one part..
because UMA SCREAMED!!!!
for nothing somemore..!

watched a couple of episodes of Samurai X after that to cheer us up..
(ive been watching quite a bit of this lately cos rach and uma are fans..! haha..
its quite nice lah, kinda like it.. but im not as HARDCORE as uma man..! ha!)
by the time we finished watching everything it was like 0330 hours man..!
and uma and i had to get up by 6am to go to the Yarra Valley..!

oh btw, the yarra valley is this area with hundreds and hundreds and HUNDREDS of ACRES of grapevines and vineyards..!
plenty of vineyards around, and they grow their own grapes and make their own wine..!
cool huh..

so anyway, i didnt sleep in the end cos by the time i got home and prepared everything, it was like 0530 hours..??

so we went round to a couple of vineyards, taking lots and lots of photos and just enjoying the lovely scenery and everything lah..!
havent really looked at my photos properly yet, but i hope they turned out well..!!! hehe
at this particular one, we had a mini tour of the brewing and bottling processes..
cannot see much lah, since everything is all in huge containers..
but was pretty cool though..
and we had one of the Light Lunches in their restaurant..!!
SO YUMMILICIOUS i tell you..
heh belle, i can imagine you waking up at this part of the post cos its about food! haha
we shared a cheese platter, and a yarra platter..
the cheeeeeeeseeee was fantastic i tell youuuu...
can dieeeee..
and i thought of my sister...!!!! my lurverlyyyyy...!!!!
if only she was there with me tasting wine and eating cheesee!!!!
it would be so much fun lahhhh..!!!!
we would go all crazy and stufff..!!!

but anyway, it was a really lovely short trip man..
and im so glad i went..
we came back to the city by about 2.15
and i went off to school to meet steve..
but baaaaasket..!
the silly guy wasnt there..!
i got to the studios and it was locked, and all that was there was a note on the door saying he wouldnt be in..! i think he got held up by his appointment earlier in the afternoon lah..

oh yes, one more thing i forgot i typed in the POST THAT DISAPPEARED..!!
i am SO DISTURBED by this i tell you..
in the car on the way there, i was just minding my own business..
when i heard this tremendous CRUNCH..!!
i knew that joe was eating an apple lah, but hey come on man..!
no apple crunch is as loud as this one..!
so i turned to look and there it was..
the shock of all horrors!!
(you know from the song.. the female of the species is more deadly than the maaaaaale... haha)
i saw him holding..
as in.. just the bottom half!!!
apparently, he ate the ENTIRE top half of the apple..!
meaning, CORE, SEEDS and ALL..!!!!!
how disturbing is that..??!?!?!!
i mean, who eats the bloody seeds..!?!?!
and he starts describing how the damn seeds taste..!
woody.. and a little nutty.. and nice..???
kinda like the the PITS OF A PEACH...!??!!!
like, how am i supposed to know that right..?!?!
but noo.. apparently, he breaks open the seed of the peach, and eats the pits..!!!
i swear, i am scarred for life..!!

oh, uma gave us childrens' day chupa chups yesterday..!
so fun..!!
hehe i really like having these mini celebrations for things that go on back home..
just makes me SO HAPPY lah..!!!!

okay, so im tired of typing already man..!
especially since i lost my extremely long and detailed post..!
so upset.. )):
moving into my new place tonight..
hope i dont feel weird or something..
suddenly waking up in a house full of strangers..??

anyway steph, welcome back!
although its actually been quite a while right.. heh

and liz im jealous..!! your lantern festival thing looks so much more pro than mine..!!
we had to share one miserable lantern between 5 of us lor..!!

fiona, how did your exam go..???
how's mingwei and ben and everyone..?!?!?!!
i icq-ed andrew to wish him happy birthday but he hasnt replied..!
and i dont have his email or his mobile number lah..!

belle..! go slow on the food earrings man..!
hahaha.. cannot stand you..!

and rag..! dont be so sad lahhh..???

hehe okay ciao..!


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