saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, October 13, 2004

hey uma..
sorry i didnt come for class again..
although you woke me up..
i was supposed to sleep for just 10 mins more..
but it became 2 hours more..
and so sorry i was so grumpy this morning..
well, not grumpy.. just not very nice..
had a not so good start..
and in all, i had to go back home twice before finally getting to all my classes..
and dont be silly!
your pics are great man..!
i really really like the flying chair one..!
so jealous..!
oh yes.. i think i know what you think i think you dont know..

rag, i have no idea how you consider this blog lively man..
it sounds pretty boring to me sia..
i think liz's is the most entertaining..!
followed by annabelle (when she actually posts..!)
anyway, thanks for the comments..
and the follow up on the other site..
although i didnt realise it at first,
cos you didnt tell me you were posting somewhere else!
heh but anyway..
i think i will follow up with you on the hideout okay..?
and no, you dont sound like a possesive, annoying, cant-get-you-out-of-my-mind boyfriend..
i miss you too..

have you ever felt like you cant take it anymore..
and you just really wanted to be rude to someone..?
who you never thought you would want to be rude to..
its just plain annoying lah..
i got a call last night that just plain annoyed me..
so i wanted to be really sarcastic to the person this afternoon..
put me in a very horrible mood for school..

okay whatever.
i wont talk about it anymore man..
on to the nicer little things that cheered up my horrible morning..

oh, got a parcel from my sister today..!
so happy!
actually it came yesterday but there was no one home to collect it..
so i had to trot down to the post office this morning to get it..
i havent opened it yet though..
but im quite excited..!
yay! ((:

thank goodness i managed to finish printing my photos yesterday man..!
(for once..!)
cos i wouldnt have made it in time otherwise..
but then, i forgot to bring them to school today and had to go back home..!

went for vis workshop today,
and finally cut up my MDF boards for my sculpture thing..!
double YAY!!
have been wanting to do this like 2 weeks ago..!
damn! which means that im 2 weeks behind schedule..!
hope i can get it done man..!
it suddenly looks really huge..! ahh!

hmm.. i finally bought my prepaid internet..
so i can get back online..!
but then again, i think being internetless was kinda good as well..
cos it was less distracting..?
but then again now i dont have to come to school just to do my research..
and its especially annoying when i forget to research something..
but i still have to come back to the comp labs to print my stuff out..
damn..! thinking of getting a printer..
aiya.. oh well..
just have to try to discipline myself..
im sure it helps that i have to share the phone line with Ploy..

wow, met a lot of thai people yesterday man..!
Tum had a little party thing going on last night cos she was leaving..
and pratically everyone was thai!
except me and another singaporean guy who's lecturing here..

anyway, having a grand opening at my new place tomorrow night man..!
hehe so exciting..
im cooking for 8 people, so kinda nervous..
first time cooking for so many people man..!
i hope everything turns out alright lah..!!!!

okay got research to do now..!


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