saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, October 10, 2004

WAH! how many people have sowered while squatting man..!

hmm.. its almost 3am here..
and im in the school comp labs with uma and rach..
the 3 internet-less people..
who have to resort to coming to school late at night
to do research, check emails and what not..
oh yes, setting up the spob site as well..
you should have seen rachel's face man..
she was SO excited i buay tahan sia..
btw.. "spob" is short for "Spastic Mob"
hahaa.. mad right..
and uma and i have been recruited.. shit man.!

oh okay, i didnt tell you guys..
i wanted to try out the uni yoga classes..
and i was supposed to go for the friday class
but i was up all night and simply could get myself to school..!!!!!
so upset i tell you..
not to mention that i was supposed to go do some work in the workshops in school toooo!!!
damnit lah..

i told you!!
im a bad student!!
how horrid!!

have plans to go for the wednesday class instead..
hope i make it this time man..!

oh hey..
it was roni's birthday today
and we had a pretty good celebration thing at her place..!
although i slept for like 2 hours from 9pm..
when they were all watching the mummy returns..
oh, uma and i made bandung agar-agar..
but guess what happened to it..?!
it wasnt thick enough, so it became jello!!
yes, the wobbly wobbly kind..!
couldnt cut it into big cubes like we wanted..
so we had to bring the whole thing there..!
and then we decided that it wasnt properly hardened,
we put it into the fridge..!
and its still there..!
no one ate it..!
how upsetting right..?
but it was good fun..! ate so much junk!

oh yes, have to wish a few other people as well man..!

Happy Birthday Roni!
Happy Birthday Lee Jen!
Happy Birthday Wesley!
Happy Birthday Farand!

and btw, this is all for 09 October okay..!
heh heh..

we watched Waterboys at rach's place..
its this jap show about this bunch of high school boys who form a synchronised swimming team..!
and i like this girl lah..!
Aya Hirayama..!
my new favourite girl..!
(i havent had one in a long time!)

okay so ive been TOLD to write about this,
by my very own silly small shit,
the legendary uma..
so for quite a few times already,
whenever uma and i are walking home from rach's place,
we talk and talk and talk..
about anything and everything possible..
it just covers everything lah..
and last night, we were standing at our usual spot at the traffic light junction..
until 5am lah..!
(its usually been about an hour, but last night it was almost 2 hours!)
so anyway, cos we've been venting everything as well,
we have big plans to set up a booth at our corner..
and call it a "Venting Machine"
so for 20 cents or so, (i think we should raise the price lor)
people can just walk into the booth and vent!
and we can have a real vending machine there for refreshments!
its such a good idea right..
it provides shelter from the rain/wind/sun..
and you get to meet other people there who you can vent to!
and share your problems..!
a good way to make new friends too!
see, something good can come out of venting!
and after all that, you walk out feeling relieved and unburdened..!
so you can go have a happy day..!
cool right..!
heh heh....



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