saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, October 22, 2004

heh heh, so havent posted in a week huh..?
hmm, kinda busy, and a bit lazy i guess..

in a bid to finish our film project which was due this monday,
uma and i spent all of friday night in the editing rooms!
like all of it!
we got there at about 4pm or so on friday..
and we didnt really start immediately lah..
in fact, i went to sleep cos i couldnt take it! haha
best right..
well anyway the system is so weird..!
like the guard just comes around asking us to lock up for him when we're leaving!
so we can stay as long as we want lah..! haha..
but then once we leave the building, we cant open the door from the outside..
so as long as there's someone to open the door for you from inside, its fine man..!
heh, so we ordered pizza and all lah!
we talked a lot lah..
but eh, we also did our work hor..
(actually uma did more.. i went to sleep at about 7?)
haha but was a new experience man..!
not that ive never overnighted in school before..
but not here, and not under these circumstances! haha
and when we left at about 930 in the morning,
we had about a minute of editing to show for it..
WHAT THE....?!!!
heheheeee... okay lah, we JUSTTT made it..
the film was supposed to be 1 to 5 minutes long man..

okay, so that was where last weekend went to..
heh oh, and we went for breakfast man!
since we were actually up!
oh, the best thing..
we went to the library, and it wasnt opened!
(it usually opens at 9am)
so we thought maybe it opens at 10 on weekends..
imagine our shock when we saw that it would only open at 11!!!!!
wah piang eh..!!

heh okok shall dispense with this story..
its kinda old anyway man..

hmm nothing much happened this week otherwise man..
uma's been really stressed out with theatre (among other things) i think..
her group's made out of some lazy all-talk-no-action slobs..
but we will help you in whatever way we can okay..!
dont worry! *hugz*

shit, i keep eating chocolate!
i dont think ive ever eaten this much man..!
i mean, im not a regular chocolate person, even though i love it.!
die man..!

oh, i actually have plenty of work to do for my sculpture thing..
but for some reason, im not worried..
which isnt too good man..! die.........
like i just saw my fully fixed frame on wednesday,
and boy is it big!
okay its not THAT big lah, but there's plenty of space to fill man.!
and i put some of my props in, and it barely covers anything at all!
like some insignificant dust lah..!
so screwed.. see lah, make it so big.. kay kiang..
dunno how also lah.. and i have to kinda put it all together before wednesday..
cos theres this class presentation thing man!
oh! and im damn irritated man!
i wasted all of my workshop time on wed helping this american girl..
who just refused to think for herself about how to solve her problems!
and she just refused to take any suggestions man..!
like, its so easy lah! i told her what to do, and she kept talking about the problems with her whole piece which was of no relevance to overcoming them!!
hate this kinda people..
so because of that, i left my workshop with nothing to show..
feel so bad man.. and i had planned to do so many things!

oh ya! went to visit rachel during her kendo session at the sports stadium yesterday..
cos she wanted uma and i to help her take some pics of her to send to her mom!
first of all, the place needs better ventilation man..!
the sweat stench just hit us in the face the moment we opened the door!
couldnt breathe for like 10 minutes i swear!
and the worst bit was when they turned off the fan toward the end!!
started suffocating lah..!!!!
anyway, kendo looks very violent!
uma and i got scared man..!
then we started to look at the people playing volleyball on the other court!
hahaha... all the girls look FAT!!!
except 2 of them who looked quite pro ah..
the rest.. FAIL!!!
dunno what theyre doing there also man..!
hahaha how evil i am..!
oh and i discovered that this guy in my mythology class is in kendo!
i was just sitting up at the podium looking at all of them,
then i thought i saw this familiar face looking at us..!
and i asked rach who he was, and it was the guy i thought it was!!
its him!! he was also at the borders job fair!
and i didnt get the job!
maybe he stole it!!
maybe he got the job, and i didnt..!!!!!

hmm anyway, think i will really miss ploy when she leaves man..!
am actually thinking of staying for 5 more days so i can leave with her..!
its so sad!
i really feel at home at this new place..
everything is so comfortable and carefree..
so relaxed and at home..!
and i actually behave more like i would at home in singapore..!
and ploy is so fun man..!
kinda like me.. haha we're so alike sometimes..
i wonder how the new housemate will be like..
oh, tum has left btw.. she's back in thailand for some field work thing..
so for now, ploy and i kinda have the whole house to ourselves!
haha! wheeeeee!!!

hmm this is turning into a very long entry huh..
well, shall wrap things up then..

fiona dont be angry about the post anymore okay..
it will come soon lah..! cant do anything about it anyway right..!

and many thanks to more birthday wishes from peishan, amy, erny, and mildred!!

oh, and who's mat?!?!????
mathilda?? mathilda sng?? from 4S2 '99???
who else would like the S2 poem man..!!

and wurbe you too cha!
wore the pink apple socks! hehe
and swung the card!
erm, that's about it..! dd:


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